Saunders announced that we needed to go to Taranaki the weekend to replace a
fridge/freezer. On Friday we left the
office a little later than planned so didn’t leave Hamilton until gone 5 arriving
in New Plymouth, Taramaki about 8.15pm. We stayed in a motel that had unlimited
wifi access so Saturday morning we took advantage of that and skyped our son
Marc. We did try others but no-one answered L. We travelled another hour
southward to Hawera to deliver the fridge/freezer to Elders Butler and Conoy.
Then went to the chapel to meet Sister Thalman and Sister Chudleigh and were
doubly blessed by Sister Fisher and Sister Taylor being there. They persuade my
husband to stay for the baptism an hour later, I needed no persuading. The
sisters mentioned that they hadn’t got some of the supplies they asked for
which we are sure Elder Saunders sent down, so we went to the local Wharehouse
store and picked up some bargains for them. This was the second baptism service
we have been to since being in New Zealand and what a treasured blessing this
will always be. The talks by Elder Napier and Elder Waldron were wonderful so
natural and from the heart. Then Sister Thalman and Sister Chudleigh sang. I
was not the only one moved to tears by their beautiful voices. The baptism was
that of Tom and Stella at least I think that was their names. They have a cute
little toddler and a cheeky little 7 year old who wants to be baptised in
September when she’s 8. Sister Thalman met Tom at a gypsy market about two
months ago and introduced him to the elders and they have just accepted all
they have been taught. It is so wonderful to see a lovely couple who want to
dedicate their lives to leaning about and living the gospel principles so that
they can return home to their Heavenly Father with their family. When we
arrived back to our car we had a note from two sisters who were hoping to stay
for the baptism but their investigators didn’t turn up so like obedient
missionaries they didn’t stay but went back to work. We decided to give them a
visit on our way back to New Plymouth, again they were still waiting for
supplies asked for about 3 months ago. So off we went and bought two new mops,
now they are happy. On our way home we found a delicious little chippy which we
ate at our motel. Before we went to bed we had a visit from the Zone leaders,
Elders Christensen and Romney who pick up the stationary they ordered. Quite a long and busy day.

Sister Taylor and Sister Fisher munchings away on pineapple.
Sister McFlynn and Sister Penales are renamed
The Mop Sisters!
Sister Thalman and Sister Chudleigh
So, what is a gypsy market?
ReplyDeleteNot a clue. I expect a market held in a gypsy field. But I will find out.