Thursday, 25 June 2015
Today was my first presentation at Mission Leadership Council.
The Mission President, Zone Leaders and
Sister Trainer Leaders attend these meeting the Tuesday after transfers. I had
prepared myself to talk about how to correctly fill in the Baptismal records. I
had prepared handouts of what I was going to talk about so that they could
refer to it in the future or if they also gave that information to the
missionaries in each of their Zones, which is what I asked them to do. Later in
the day a missionary commented on how well I did and that I must have felt a
little intimidated talking to the leadership of the mission. I thank him for
the compliment and added that I didn’t feel at all intimidate I just looked at
the missionaries as my friends and had no problem. I wish I could post all the
fun pictures that I took after the meeting. The missionaries are such posers
and love me posting these photos on the FB page that one of the parents has set
up. I did post on our blog that address but if anyone wants to join that page
just message me and I will give you the link again. I should add that the
missionaries do not go on FB themselves and see the photos but their family and
friends do and they make comments and sometimes tell their missionaries about
the photos.

House Hunting
Sunday was Fathers Day at home so after talking to a few
of our children on Skype we set off to Whakatane for a day of house hunting on
Monday. We again stayed at the Branch Presidents house and were able to discuss
with him which areas were good and which ones were bad. Before we could start the
house hunting we had to clear out the old flat which had been vandalised as we
were no longer going to rent it. There weren’t very many places to look at but
we were very tired as we made our way back to Hamilton. Now Elder Saunders has
to choose one.
BK Anyone?
Anyway on my trip home I passed these shops and thought, I am going to stop here. As I drove into the car park I saw a ramp leading to a few car spaces, so I went up the ramp and thought it a bit strange to have a height restriction sign as I was not going underneath anything!!!!! It was only a few seconds later that I realised that this was the ramp to the Burger King drive-in!!!!!!!! So what do you do at 11.15am when you’re in the queue for a drive-in fast food restaurant? Order a wrap combo of course. Now I was too embarrassed to stop at the shops. As if anyone would have known what I had just done. I continued on my lone travels to my next stop which was the Temple to deliver mail. As I was leaving the Temple Sister Judd was saying how hungry she was also that see had forgotten to bring any lunch for herself. So guess what I did? Gave her my wrap of course. So now it makes perfect sense as to why I was inspired to drive into BK drive-in. (And it stopped the temptation of me spending any money in the shops.)
Back to Full Concentration. NO!
Wednesday was the day the new missionaries arrived into
our mission so you would think I had enough to concentrate on. That didn’t stop
me tracking Shauna’s flight home. She’s
left Australia on her way to Dubai, she’s left Dubai and on her final leg home!
Then at home. She’s landed!
So now I’m waiting to hear how the flight was.
Thursday was transfers day another big one. So I saw lots of my lovely missionaries and took loads of photos. My next challenge is to put them on the Newzealandhamiltonfriendsandfamily face book page. I usually don’t add all their names hoping that other friends and family will tag them. That allows me to post things quick quickly.
Now I cannot resist showing you all this photo. Elder Saunders is explaining and showing what a Possum looks like when it is surprised by the oncoming lights of a car. Pretty good impression I think and the missionaries think it is hilarious. Although my family doesn’t really see anything unusual about a photo like that!
So now I’m waiting to hear how the flight was.
Thursday was transfers day another big one. So I saw lots of my lovely missionaries and took loads of photos. My next challenge is to put them on the Newzealandhamiltonfriendsandfamily face book page. I usually don’t add all their names hoping that other friends and family will tag them. That allows me to post things quick quickly.
Now I cannot resist showing you all this photo. Elder Saunders is explaining and showing what a Possum looks like when it is surprised by the oncoming lights of a car. Pretty good impression I think and the missionaries think it is hilarious. Although my family doesn’t really see anything unusual about a photo like that!
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Sad Tuesday
Well the day has finally come to say bye to Shauna. I went into the office so that I could very quickly check the mail but I was home by 8.30 and Shauna was just coming out of her bedroom. Although I think she was waiting for me to come home before getting up. As soon as Elder Saunders came home we went down to the Lakes to feed the ducks. Lilly just loved that. There were so many of them even a Black Swan jumped out of the lake and came right up to us. Actually that was a bit scary as swans are known for being a bit vicious. The sun was shinning although it was a bit chilly but the lake looked very beautiful. After feeding the ducks it was time to feed ourselves. So we went into Hamilton town to get Subway. We are blessed to have a Bishop of our church who owns the Subway in town so missionaries get half price. I think I have only been there about 3 times. Must make more use of it while I can. Now it’s time for the journey to the airport. But first we have to collect three missionaries from the Temple and take them to Redoubt chapel in Auckland. They fly home tomorrow. While we were at the Temple we went inside the Visitors Centre and Lilly just loved pushing the buttons that show different videos. I don’t think she was interested in the videos but loved the instant changed every time a button was pushed. I was also able to show off my lovely daughter and cute youngest grandchild. As well as showing Shauna our special friends we have made. The same thing happened at our next stop Although I think Shauna would say that everywhere we went we met missionaries and proudly showed off our family. Sister Ryan sat beside Lilly on the journey to Redoubt Chapel and after a while Lilly was tired and a bit wingy. Grandmas phone pictures to the rescue. She loves flipping through my photos especially the photos of people she knows. So Sister Ryan and her spent a long while chatting and looking at photos. When it was time to say goodbye Lilly didn’t want her to go so they chased each other around in the car park, so cute. The next park of our journey to the airport was just us. Although we were followed by the APs taking three other missionaries to the airport. We arrived at the check-in in plenty of time but Shauna could not get a different seat nearer to the toilets. (Must ask her how that went).Saying goodbye was emotional but not as bad as I thought. We went to a nearby place to eat so we stayed in Auckland for another couple of hours. It was while Elder Saunders was helping the Aps move their van and trailer that I was alone and saw a plane take off that I started to sob. LL Going back to our empty home with an empty cot was hard :( :( Coming home from work to empty flat was hard :( :(
But on the happier side we have had three amazing weeks with our family and was able to share a bit of our of our mission with them. :) :) :) :) :)
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Sad Sunday!
The last post was on Monday and this whole week has gone
by so fast, too fast. I returned back to the office on Tuesday. On Wednesday
Elder Saunders took Shauna and her family down to Taranaki with him. He had to
sort out a washing machine or dryer. He had hoped to show them the snow on
Mount Taranaki but it was too cloudy so the mountain was barely visible. They
did the whole trip in one day so it was very tiring. I stayed behind and worked
in the office. I want to take more time off on Friday so that I can go to the
airport and see off Mark and Sophia. I was not looking forward to that day. And
it was so sad. Sophia left us crying as Mark pulled her along on the trunky,
earlier in the airport I was pulling her along and she had big smiles. I’m glad
to say though that they both are home safe and sound. But it is a sad Sunday as
Shauna has only two more days left with us. L
I did shed a tear when Sophia left and I so miss her terribly. We had so much
fun with each other. Don’t know what I am going to be like on Tuesday when
Shauna goes.
Rainbow Springs
The next morning we did more shopping! Then off to Rainbow Spring excited to see our first real live Kiwi bird. I have to explain that we have met the Kiwi who is a person from New Zealand, ate a Kiwi fruit, and now our final Kiwi is the flightless bird. Sadly there was only one Kiwi searching for food that we saw and we weren’t allowed to take photos. But I did get very excited later on as there was a Tui in a large cage. But that excitement didn’t last for long as I hate seeing wild animals in cages that look too small for them and when he did make a noise he seemed very unhappy!!! L I always get excited when I hear Tui’s in the bush and love hearing their song but this noise didn’t sound quite the same. There were lots of others bird in aviaries that you could walk in and that was okay seeing them fly around your head.
Rotorua Return Trip
Sunday and it’s now time to start travelling back towards
Hamilton. We had hoped to stay in Whakatane on our way back but there was no
way we were going to chance staying at the flat hoping it had been clean up. In
fact I found out a few days later that it was still very messy and the agents
had not clean it up yet, so a good job we did not plan on staying there. So we
looked for accommodation in Rotorua. Now that was an experience. We went into
the tourist information place and the very helpful guy looked online for us and
declared that it was about $200, more than we expected so he then looked at
prices at a backpackers place or youth hostel. He did phone one up for us who
said they had a room with a double bed in and two singles. He also checked that
they were not bunk beds and he told us they were not. So off we went to see what
the backpackers place looked like. This time Shauna and Elder Saunders went to
the reception desk. Then went off to see the room we were offered which had
bunk beds in!! It was so small with a communal bathroom. Not exactly what we
were looking for. The receptionist was very helpful and told us of a motel that
her friend had stayed in a few weeks ago and they were very reasonable. We
found that motel very quickly and this time Shauna and I went to reception.
Shauna explained that we were looking for cheap accommodation for one night and
did they have any vacancies. The receptionist offer us a room for $150 then
changed her mind about the room and gave us an upstairs and downstairs. We were
so excited as it was so large and an added bonus of a plunge pool. Which
Shauna, the two girls and I enjoyed a fun time using. A very happy ending to
what could have been another disastrous day. How blessed we all feel at having
so many rotten things happen and each time the alternative has been a happy
Monday, 15 June 2015
Gisborne here we come a day early
We left on the Friday for Gisborne and stayed an extra night at the motel. Thankfully the owner gave us a reduced rate so that was a relief. While in Gisborne we did more shopping, delivered more goods to the missionaries before going to see the sun set on the beach. No wait a minute where is the sun setting? Well not on the beach. Earlier in the year I’m sure I took pretty pictures of the sun setting just over the mountains and on the beach. I’m confused West has now moved!!!! Anyway after not seeing the sun set we bought some chips from the nearby chippy and took them back to the motel to eat and watch telly. That’s our biggest treat when we stay in the motel, to watch the telly even if it is just the news. But we normally watch a movie.
The next morning we went up to Tokomaru Bay and had a picnic on the beach its 6th June so that’s like 6th December in England. It was cold but not as cold as England and Sophia went paddling on the beach in just her costume. Crazy but fun to watch. On our way back to the motel we had planned on seeing the sheep in the field next to where the Bellistons were living but we arrived there in the dark so missed the sheep. Sophia had a fun time drawing with Sister Belliston and Sister Zollinger.
I had arranged to take Shauna on a visit to meet the
Branch President of Whakatane Branch and his family. So actually staying at
their home for two nights was just such a treasured experience. On our second
night Djahni their 14 year old daughter showed us her performance of the Kapa Haka
and we were thrilled. Earlier that day her dad had showed us the DVD of
the whole of her school performing the Kapa Haka for national festival and I
believe they came third. During the day we did a little shopping and then had our
lunch overlooking Whakatane Harbour. After lunch we drove around the coast to
Ohope Beach (pronounced O hope ee). Sophia and Lilly had lots of fun collecting
shells. Ohope beach is an award winning beach and very pretty.
Thanks a lot to the Waihirere Family to turned a nightmare of an experience turn into a treasured memory that both Shauna and her family and we will always remember. And of course Sophia will always remember it because she left her glow-worm behind there. I wonder if we will have time to pick it up on our return journey.
Thanks a lot to the Waihirere Family to turned a nightmare of an experience turn into a treasured memory that both Shauna and her family and we will always remember. And of course Sophia will always remember it because she left her glow-worm behind there. I wonder if we will have time to pick it up on our return journey.
Wednesday 3rd June
Wednesday morning Shauna came into the office with us to
sort out her party details for this coming Saturday back in Bournemouth,
England. We had hoped to leave the office at 10 but had phone calls and more
visitors. Elder and Sister Cardall from the USA are finishing their mission
today. We just love that couple.
By the time we got home and packed the van we didn’t
leave Hamilton until nearly midday. Our first stop in Rotorua was to check out
what was at the Agrodome and decided it was too expensive for just an hour. But
we had to pass the Zorb. One of Mark’s lifetime ambitions it to go on the Zorbe
and what better place to experience it than in New Zealand. Plus it was such a
laugh for us to watch. I’ll try to load it on the blog for you all to
experience and laugh.
Our next stop was at the Tamaki office to catch the coach to the Maori village and experience the magic of the Maori culture. The fun started as soon as we entered the coach. The driver Dennis (the Menace) was very entertaining. We all had to imagine we were in a Waka (canoe) and put our right hand up and lower it in unison while chanting, whatever it was that he told us to repeat. It was some Maori words so I have no hope of remembering what it was. But it was fun. So we paddled our way to the village in our Waka, disguised as a coach. We were welcomed into the village by the Maori warriors chanting the Haka. We toured the village in the dark and rain!!!! But that didn’t spoil our experience of the different demonstrations some of which they asked volunteers to participate in. Well kinda of volunteers because they first asked for all able men to come to the front. We had to debate whether Elder Saunders was able or not and of course his opinion counted for nothing. Lol. J Another video I’m hoping to post. J
Our next stop was at the Tamaki office to catch the coach to the Maori village and experience the magic of the Maori culture. The fun started as soon as we entered the coach. The driver Dennis (the Menace) was very entertaining. We all had to imagine we were in a Waka (canoe) and put our right hand up and lower it in unison while chanting, whatever it was that he told us to repeat. It was some Maori words so I have no hope of remembering what it was. But it was fun. So we paddled our way to the village in our Waka, disguised as a coach. We were welcomed into the village by the Maori warriors chanting the Haka. We toured the village in the dark and rain!!!! But that didn’t spoil our experience of the different demonstrations some of which they asked volunteers to participate in. Well kinda of volunteers because they first asked for all able men to come to the front. We had to debate whether Elder Saunders was able or not and of course his opinion counted for nothing. Lol. J Another video I’m hoping to post. J
Shauna was shown how to swing the Poi. Basically it’s a
piece of string with a ball on the end! Please don’t be offended any Maori
readers it’s a work of art watching the Women swing the Poi.
Our last demonstration was watching as our dinner came
out of the ground. A traditional Hangi meal.Next was the performance which was excellent. I thought Lilly would be a little scared of the faces that the Maori’s made but she loved it and was dancing to the music. She even repeated the welcome, Kia ora.
Once the performance finished our dinner was ready. So delicious and was a buffet so Elder Saunders could help himself to the foods he liked. On offer was Chicken, Lamb, Potatoes, Kumera, Carrots, Salad and with different dressings including mint jelly, all very yummy. For pudding we had the traditional New Zealand steam pudding or Pavlova with custard or cream again all very yummy.
We were taken back to our car by coach and we were singing all the way. Just before we reach the car Dennis the menace drove around and around a roundabout many times. For those of you who really know me can relate to how at home that made me feel! Our next Journey was down to Whakatane to sleep the night in our ‘Holiday Home’. Not really our holiday home but just one that we have been waiting to house a missionary couple. Anyway to cut another long story short the place was a mess because someone had used the place for a party and knocked holes in the walls. We were not impressed at 10.30 in the evening, very tired with nowhere to sleep. Thankfully we are friends with the Branch President and he invited us to stay at his home. That was such a special experience and another story for another blog.
Bridal Veil Falls
Well it’s Monday morning and back to the office for Elder
Saunders and I this morning but we did leave early to take Shauna, Mark, Sophia
and Lilly to Bridal Veil Falls. This is somewhere that loads of people have
told us about so we were excited to see it. BUT when we arrived Elder Saunders
said don’t even bother to look over the edge, yes it was pretty high. Then
there was about 260 steps down to the bottom so neither Shauna nor I decided to
venture down because it also meant coming back up again. Instead we took a slow
walk back to the car enjoying the peaceful scenery of trees, trees and more
trees. I am not knocking it as I love looking at all the different types of
trees in the bush, so completely different from England. Also on my travel back
I had a visit from a friendly Fan Tail bird. They are such friendly birds.
To finish off the evening we introduced the family to
Carl’s Jr. It’s much more than a fast food burger restaurant and I’m glad they
all agreed. Yummy another real ice cream milk shake topped with real cream. J
Welcome To Bridal Veil Fals
My personal welcome by a Fan Tail
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Marakopa Falls
Another place that we have visited before but felt it was so pretty that we wanted to share it with the family. It was along walk down and the rest of the family left Sophia and I behind. On our way we found this silver fern plant and Sophia was excited to show her mum and dad the plant.
Natural Bridge and Glow Worms
We took Sophia to church with us today. After church we travelled south for a few hours to visit the natural bridge. If you remember that last time we visited the natural bridge we saw two parrots. So I was hoping to see something different. We weren't disappointed as we had many visits by Fan Tail birds. They are very friendly and to see them very close up and flying around us and over our heads was for me very exciting. We returned later in the afternoon as it was getting dark to see the glow worms. Probably not the best place to see glow worms but it was free. We did visit the Piriri Caves again. At first Sophia did not want to go in as it was very dark but armed with her torch and grandma's hand we ventured in together. She was very good and went down to the bottom where we turned off the torches as were able to walk back up the steps with the natural light.
Quintin L Cook Conference
What an amazing experience we had today. I was a little sadden at having to leave Shauna for the day but she entertained herself by going to the local shops. And also taking the children to the park across the road from our flat. While we travelled a couple of hours north to listen to an Apostle of the Lord. That's the second apostle we have seen in less than six months. What was also very exciting was that he wanted to shake the hand of every missionary. That was something we have planned and organized for the David Bednar conference but because he was running late the handshake was cancelled. So what a thrill to not have to plan this one and for it to actually happen. The meeting was very good and both Elder Saunders and I felt very spiritual uplifted. Elder Cook's words has given me answers to some very personal prayers. I shall treasure those words.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Friday we visited Hobbiton. Which was in Matamata. Although we loved the visit we felt the tour was too rushed. We would have enjoyed it more it we could have slowly looked around at all the hobbit homes and spent a little bit more time inside the Green Dragon Pub. We had a complimentary drink in the pub, Ginger beer you could only get in Hobbiton. Sadly we saw no Hobbits.
Monday morning
I took Sophia into the office with me on Monday and she was so so good. I had to have a private meeting and she just did her homework on her IPad. After she had finished all her homework she helped me sort out the mail. I think we made a really good team. She actually won over the hearts of anyone who came into the office. Elder Smith even bought her a cookie from Subway. In return he received one of her great pictures she drew.
Warning Warning NZ! Shauna has landed
It has been so exciting to see Shauna and family. We picked
them up at the airport at about 5.30 am. We made them sit through the journey
of us visiting each Zone with their mail and flat supplies. Our first stop was
at 6.15 and the missionaries are supposed to get up at 6.30 but they were very
polite to us (to our faces that is). After we arrived in Hamilton and settled them
into our flat we went to the shops to buy loads of fruit and veg. We actually
had a lot of fun looking at all the different fruit and veg even taking some
photos. I must find them and post them but I think it is on Sophia's camera.
Answers to questions
1. We are planning on going to the Temple every Tuesday
morning at 6 O’clock. But obviously couldn’t go with week because Shauna was
2. The memory stick was in the cutlery drawer. Well done Kristal
for being the first to get it right.
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