Well the day has finally come to say bye to Shauna. I went into the office so that I could very quickly check the mail but I was home by 8.30 and Shauna was just coming out of her bedroom. Although I think she was waiting for me to come home before getting up. As soon as Elder Saunders came home we went down to the Lakes to feed the ducks. Lilly just loved that. There were so many of them even a Black Swan jumped out of the lake and came right up to us. Actually that was a bit scary as swans are known for being a bit vicious. The sun was shinning although it was a bit chilly but the lake looked very beautiful. After feeding the ducks it was time to feed ourselves. So we went into Hamilton town to get Subway. We are blessed to have a Bishop of our church who owns the Subway in town so missionaries get half price. I think I have only been there about 3 times. Must make more use of it while I can. Now it’s time for the journey to the airport. But first we have to collect three missionaries from the Temple and take them to Redoubt chapel in Auckland. They fly home tomorrow. While we were at the Temple we went inside the Visitors Centre and Lilly just loved pushing the buttons that show different videos. I don’t think she was interested in the videos but loved the instant changed every time a button was pushed. I was also able to show off my lovely daughter and cute youngest grandchild. As well as showing Shauna our special friends we have made. The same thing happened at our next stop Although I think Shauna would say that everywhere we went we met missionaries and proudly showed off our family. Sister Ryan sat beside Lilly on the journey to Redoubt Chapel and after a while Lilly was tired and a bit wingy. Grandmas phone pictures to the rescue. She loves flipping through my photos especially the photos of people she knows. So Sister Ryan and her spent a long while chatting and looking at photos. When it was time to say goodbye Lilly didn’t want her to go so they chased each other around in the car park, so cute. The next park of our journey to the airport was just us. Although we were followed by the APs taking three other missionaries to the airport. We arrived at the check-in in plenty of time but Shauna could not get a different seat nearer to the toilets. (Must ask her how that went).Saying goodbye was emotional but not as bad as I thought. We went to a nearby place to eat so we stayed in Auckland for another couple of hours. It was while Elder Saunders was helping the Aps move their van and trailer that I was alone and saw a plane take off that I started to sob. LL Going back to our empty home with an empty cot was hard :( :( Coming home from work to empty flat was hard :( :(
But on the happier side we have had three amazing weeks with our family and was able to share a bit of our of our mission with them. :) :) :) :) :)
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