On Friday we went into the office for a few hours so that
I could sort the post and other bits. Elder Saunders sorted out any paper work
he had. We won’t be back in the office until late Wednesday afternoon or
possibly even Thursday. Before we left Hamilton I picked up a Subway from the
shop just down the road from the office. Shhh don’t tell anyone but the owner
is a church member and gives full-time missionaries a half price deal. Yummy!
We arrived in Whakatane about 2.30 and collect the keys to the flat for the new
missionary couple arriving in a couple of weeks. We planned to stay here for a
few days before going to Gisborne to move the Sisters into another flat. It was
very cold the first night we stayed even though we brought two oil heaters that
did not take the chill off the air. The only other heating is a log fire that
first needs cleaning before it can be used. So our first shopping trip on
Saturday was to buy electric heaters. So Saturday night was nice and toasty. Saturday evening we had arranged to meet the Waihirere
family at the chapel to collect some doughnuts. Their daughter Djahni is
fundraising to go on a netball tournament next year in Australia. They bought a
fundraising pack of Mamas Donuts while they were in Hamilton on a Temple trip that
day. So we bought a box. President Waihirere said he was coming around to our
flat to help us eat them. “No you’re not.” “Yes I am,” “No you’re not,” “Yes I
am.” So the conversation went on and on for a few minutes. We had invited the
Missionary Elders around to share doughnuts and ice cream plus I knew he had
eaten some earlier. Also he had been travelling since early morning so no way
would he come back to our temporary home (just a few days - but a really lovely
few days). So just as we were leaving the chapel he said “Meet you at your
place!” It was a really fun visit and he didn’t eat my doughnuts, he left that
to the missionaries.
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